You can cancel your Spartacus Gym on-going monthly membership
at any time after an initial 4-month period by:
- 1. Requesting to cancel your membership in person at the front desk or,
- 2. E-mailing your cancellation request to: info@spartacusgym.ca
We cannot process cancellation requests over the phone.
All cancellation requests must be delivered in person or by e-mail.
Once your request has been processed, you will receive an e-mail
confirmation of your Spartacus Gym cancellation.
There is a $10 administrative fee applied to all unsuccessful on-going membership payments. There is always one final payment after the date of your cancellation request. All outstanding balances must be reclaimed before the cancellation is processed. There are no ‘hold’ privileges on on-going memberships.
Upon cancelling a time-block membership (i.e. 6-months), you will receive a refund on the unused remainder of your membership based on: i) the original date of purchase, ii) the different time-block memberships we offer, and iii) the amount of time remaining on the membership. We do not offer refunds on any time-block memberships after 50% of the membership has been used up. For example, if a 1-year Bronze membership was purchased for $550 and a cancellation was requested after the 3rd month but before the 6th month, the refund amount would equal the price of a 1-year membership minus the price of a 6-month membership. If a cancellation was requested after the 6th month, a refund on the unused portion of the time-block membership would no longer be possible.